You have seen animals sleeping, but do you know how birds sleep?

You have seen animals sleeping, but do you know how birds sleep?

You must have seen many animals sleeping around you. Especially dogs can be easily seen sleeping. But have you ever seen a bird sleeping? Let us tell you how and when birds sleep. Along with this, we will tell you what the birds that sleep during the day are called and what the birds that sleep at night are called.

Two types of birds

Birds are divided into two groups on the basis of sleeping during night and day. These two groups are diurnal and nocturnal. According to scientists, most birds are diurnal. Diurnal means birds that are awake during the day and sleep at night. Whereas some birds are nocturnal. The nocturnal group includes those birds that sleep during the day and are awake at night. Owl is the biggest example of this.

How do birds sleep

According to experts, birds sleep in two stages. The first stage is called slow wave sleep. In this the birds are in light sleep. This means that if there is even the slightest movement around them, they will wake up immediately. Whereas the second phase is of rapid eye movement. In this the birds sleep deeply and get lost in the world of dreams. However, this sleep lasts for a very short period of time. Birds take such sleep for only 16 seconds. But they take this sleep of 16-16 seconds many times.

Can birds sleep even while flying?

You may find this question strange. But it is true that there are some birds which are half asleep even while flying. In the year 2016, some scientists had discovered that a sea bird called frigatebird can sleep even while flying. However, these birds keep one eye open while sleeping, so that they do not collide with anything and also stay away from their predators.

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